On-Page SEO Checklist for Roofing Contractors in 2020

On-Page SEO Checklist for Roofing Contractors in 2020-2

Get Free Leads, Improve your Roofing sales and Crush other Roofers online with On-page SEO

If you want to optimize your roofing company’s website, on-page SEO is the best place to start. On-page SEO techniques help roofing contractors to get free leads online by appearing on the first page of Google for several keyword phrases. The ultimate goal of on-page roofing SEO is to help search engine crawlers to understand the context and meaning of your roofing pages.

The two essential on-page elements are HTML and content. When using a CMS such as word press, these two elements can be changed. Like any form of internet marketing, On-page SEO has evolved due to the continuously changing Google algorithm. This post will explain the importance, techniques, and checklist of on-page SEO that roofers need to know. Without further ado, let us dive in!

Why Your Roofing Website Needs On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is crucial because it offers search engines with several signals to help them know what your roofing website is all about.

During the ranking and indexing process, search engines try to associate roofing websites with specific search terms and keywords prospects type in the search box.

It is through on-page SEO that roofers can guide search engines on which keywords they want to rank for in the search results.

Furthermore, it is known as “on-page” since any optimization done directly improves your customer’s experience.

Google, with its thousands of sophisticated algorithm, is now good at:

  • Knowing what prospects/ clients are searching for when they type in the query box
  • Providing results that satisfy the user intent (shopping, navigational or informational)

This post will take you through the most crucial on-page SEO techniques/ factors that will guarantee higher rankings.

7 Essential On-Page SEO Factors That Every Roofer Needs to Know

Now that you understand why on-page SEO is crucial for your roofing website, you need to start optimizing your pages to get valuable results. Let us explore the most important on-page SEO factors that will guarantee good results if properly implemented.

Create Valuable Content that will keep Leads on your roofing Website

Any on-page SEO guide will show you that high-quality content is the backbone of any successful internet marketing campaign. Content drives search engine traffic to your site, gets clients/prospects to engage with your page, and keeps them glued to it.

Content comes in various forms like e-books and blogs. You should cover as many roofing topics as possible to drive leads to your business.

When you create roofing content, you must go in-depth and provide your prospects/ clients with valuable information. By creating high-value content that matches your prospect’s search intent, you will drive massive traffic to your roofing page and increase its dwelling time.

These two signals (dwell time and traffic spike) will send a good signal to Google that your page is relevant, and thus Google rewards it with higher rankings. It is a great on-page SEO technique that helps to boost search rankings of your roofing website.

Optimize Your Title Tags to Rank in More Relevant Searches

When prospects find your roofing website in the search results, they first look at the title of your page. The title plays a critical role in determining whether they will click on your page or move to the competitor’s site. Your title optimization is the most crucial on-page SEO technique that will get prospects to visit your site.

As you develop the title for your page, make sure that it is detailed enough to attract prospects. It should explain to the prospect what they will get in case they click your link.

Let’s say you wrote an article about siding colors. Which article title would appeal to your prospects most?

“Make your house beautiful with siding colors “or “5 types of siding colors that will improve your curb appeal in 2020.”

Prospects are more likely to pick the second one. This is because, in the second post, prospects are going to explore the five types of siding colors.

The second title also hits the keyword “types of siding colors.” Keyword integration is a crucial part of your title because it makes your post more relevant to searches.

Not only do search engines look at your title to help rank your page, but also your readers look for the keyword to see if your post is relevant to your search query.

Title optimization is one of the best on-page SEO tactics you can use to improve your site rankings and show up in relevant search results.

Use Internal Links in Your Roofing Page to Keep Leads in Your Site Longer

Whenever you create new pages, you want to link up to other sites within your content. These are known as internal links since they keep leads within your site instead of sending them to other external websites.

Internal links help to improve the user’s experience. They offer your audience with important information that helps them to understand the topic better. This improves your dwell time and increases your search engine rankings.

If you are looking for an on-page SEO technique that will skyrocket your rankings, begin by linking internally in the content. You will keep leads on your roofing website longer and thus improve your rankings in Google search results.

Improve Your Page Loading Speed to Keep Your Prospects/ Leads Happy

Everybody wants to get information fast. When prospects perform searches, they want to click on a link and see the page start to load instantly. In fact, 83% of prospects expect your roofing website to load within three seconds or less.

If your roofing website takes minutes to load, prospects are likely to abandon it and turn to your competitors. Recent studies show that 53% of prospects will leave your site if it takes more than three seconds to load. You can lose almost half of your search engine traffic if your site takes too long to load.

To make sure leads remain in your site, try to improve the page loading speed. There are several things you can do to improve your roofing website loading speed;

  • Minimizing the size of the image files
  • Minify CSS, HTML and JavaScript
  • Reduce white space while coding
  • Cut down the number of redirects in your site
  • Use a content distribution network
  • Leverage browser caching

If you don’t have the time to boost your site loading speed, you can rely on a roofing marketing agency to improve your page loading time. At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing, we offer high-quality roofing website design services to help you improve your page loading time and keep your leads longer on the site.

Create SEO-Friendly URLs

Your URL is an important part of SEO. When Google crawls your roofing website, it reads your URL to understand your content. If your URL is vague, search engines will not be able to index your site or help prospects to remember it.

The URL helps search engines to determine the relevancy of your page. It is a great place to incorporate your keywords to boost your site rankings.

Your URL should have a hierarchy and be clear to prospects. Prospects don’t want to find a URL that is mixed with letters and numbers.

Here is an example of a poor URL: www.roofingcompanywebsite.com/46532kjl/

A roofing URL like this is unclear and scattered. The random letters and numbers don’t have any meaning to Google. Your prospects also will not comprehend the numbers and letters for a long time.

Instead, a good URL should look like this: www.roofingcompanywebsite.com/siding/james-hardie-cement/

This URL structure is defined and clear. There is a good hire achy too. The URL goes from siding a general category to James Hardie Fiber cement, a specific siding type. It’s defined and clean; therefore, search engines can easily read your roofing website.

Prospects can also remember it naturally. It is much easier to remember siding to James Hardie cement than to cram a combination of numbers and letters. Your prospects can also see the topic clearly, and thus they are likely to read and convert.

By creating a clear and defined URL structure, you will get more leads on your roofing website and help Google to index your page properly. It is an excellent way to improve your on-page SEO and increase your site rankings in the search results.

Make sure that Your Roofing Website Incorporates a Responsive Design to Keep Your Prospects Happy

Your prospects/ clients will access your roofing website from multiple devices. You must create a great user experience across those devices. If you want to on-page SEO correctly, make sure that your site has a responsive design.

Imagine a prospect trying to access your desktop version on a smartphone. They would have to zoom out and in to read content, and the whole post would look scaled incorrectly and disorganized. That does not give your prospects a positive user experience but instead discourages them from your site.

As a roofer, you must invest heavily in a responsive design to offer prospects/clients a positive experience of your site. Responsive design makes sure that your roofing website adapts to whatever mobile devices your prospects use. Whether it is a tablet or Smartphone, your roofing website will adjust to fit the size of your screen.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions have been a crucial optimization point for roofing contractors. Meta tags and descriptions explain what your roofing page is all about; they are typically displayed underneath the SERP’s beneath your title.

While Google still denies that Meta descriptions don’t help in rankings, there is some evidence that better descriptions help.

Optimizing Meta descriptions properly can help to:

  • Increase Click-through Rate
  • Guarantee of best results
  • Perception of what your roofing website offers changes.

The meta description must incorporate your roofing page keywords. This description is what will appear as the small paragraph under the heading when search results are returned to your prospect. This is the first information that your prospect comes across, so make sure it persuades them to open your site.

On-Page SEO Checklist for Roofing Contractors

Search engines consider more than on-page optimization when ranking your site, but there are definite characteristics of a page that Google looks for when indexing or ranking sites. Here are the most crucial things to look out when you want your roofing website to rank high in search engines:

  • Make sure that you have one page per specific target keyword
  • Make sure that your Meta descriptions are unique and complete per page
  • Your content should be sales-driven and informative at the same time.
  • Use H-tags properly
  • Make sure your content is 100% unique
  • Start a roofing blog and update it regularly with content that supports your service pages
  • Make sure that you have an XML and HTML site map
  • Use a content plan that is simple to digest with images, bulleted lists, and videos.
  • Make sure that all the images on your roofing website have proper alt tags and titles.
  • Don’t stuff your content with roofing keywords
  • Make sure that your Google Analytics is working properly and connected to your Webmasters tools account.
  • Add professional certifications to your roofing website like BBB, Yelp amongst others.
  • Keep your plugins and content management system updated.

Start Optimizing Your Roofing On-Page SEO Today

On-page SEO will help your roofing business to develop a better site for your prospects/ clients and keep them glued to it longer. If you optimize your roofing website, your prospects/ clients will spend more time getting to know your business and the services you offer. Your roofing business will continue to rank higher in search results and reach more relevant traffic/ leads.

At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing, we have more than ten years of experience optimizing roofing websites for On-page SEO. We have a team of SEO experts that will make your roofing business rank higher in search engines. They will help to drive more traffic to your page and generate a steady flow of qualified leads in your business.

If you are ready to improve your roofing SEO through on-page SEO servicesschedule a free strategy session with our experts to see how our team can get your business on top of Google search results today.



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