Does Roofing SEO Still Work during the COVID-19 crisis?

Does Roofing SEO Still Work during the COVID-19 crisis?-2

Be found online, get leads and increase conversions with roofing SEO

As a roofer, I know you must have been affected by COVID-19- in some way. You might be seeing fewer clients as people try to keep social distancing rules, change leisure and travel plans, and concentrate on staying healthy rather than looking for roofing services or products.

Unless you are selling hand sanitizers or face masks, you must be concerned about the effects of the coronavirus on your roofing business, ROI, and an empty roofing sales pipeline.

So does that mean you stop marketing your roofing business? 


Marketing your roofing business during the COVID-19 crisis can be challenging. While countries are slowly tightening their belts and getting qualified leads is becoming twice harder to find, you may be tempted to throw in the towel.

In terms of growing your business, now is the time to start ordering more materials by the truckload? Probably not. But it is an excellent chance to assess where your roofing business stands in terms of search engine optimization. Since some marketing strategies might not have a lot of weight now, you can rest assured that roofing SEO is more crucial than ever.

What does this mean? It is simple. Even during the COVID-19 crisis, prospects are out there searching for roofing products/services. They still have intentions of installing/ replacing a roof-may be not today, but later they might hire you. Your clients-even new customers are out there. Now it is your role to find them or, more particularly, make them find your roofing business online.

Reasons Why Roofing SEO Works Even During the COVID-19 Crisis

I understand that we are living in troubling times. But as roofers, there is one thing that we can control, the ability to remain resilient and make informed choices that will bring saving grace to our businesses. Why does roofing SEO work even during the coronavirus crisis? Here are the top 4 reasons to help answer your question.

Roofing SEO is Flexible

Your roofing website and marketing strategy may keep on changing, but SEO remains constant. Whether you have just started using SEO strategies or a veteran, there is always room for improvement. By opening your roofing website pages, assessing areas for growth, gauging those of your competitors, you will be making your website more friendly to search engines and thus attract more potential clients(even during the time of economic hardship posed by COVID-19). What can you do to make my roofing website on top of search engine results? You can use this time to make crucial website tweaks, additions, and revisions to take advantage of the higher rankings- you will be preparing yourself for long-term success.

Roofing SEO is Cost-Effective

This is a great one, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, where you have to account for every dollar that you spend in marketing your roofing business. Now notice that we did not say that roofing SEO is cheap, with but Cost-effective. What does that imply? Compared to traditional forms of advertising and marketing, effective roofing SEO will bring a higher Return on Investment. The dollars you spend on roofing SEO are spent with the sole aim of reaching out to prospects that are already searching for your services or products online. These are qualified leads that want roofing services and are just searching for an experienced roofer in their city.

Roofing SEO Will Last Longer than COVID-19 Crisis

It’s hard to understand now, but a crisis is temporal in nature. Sooner or later, the national economy will rebound, and things start to normalize. People will return to their businesses and your roofing technicians back to action. A few months from now, the uncertainty and apprehension you are now experiencing will be but a memory. That’s why the best thing you can do right now is to prepare your business to survive even after the coronavirus crisis. Optimizing your roofing website for search engines is a long term investment that will generate a high ROI.

Roofing SEO is Trustworthy

When the crisis hits, people typically become skeptical about whom they should trust. And that’s simply, understandable. Many people trust Google to give them answers to their daily life. If your roofing website has not scooped a top spot on Google’s search results, then you are losing prospects or qualified leads.

What Should I Do?

Don’t Panic

I know it can be easier said than done, right? But trust BlackStorm Roofing Marketing on this one. The best thing you can probably do to make sure that your roofing business gets through these turbulent times is to just take a deep breath and know that the COVID-19 crisis will pass on with time. Operating on emotion and fear can alter the trajectory of your roofing business and make it fail to achieve its objectives. Don’t allow that to happen!


As the clench goes, if you fail to plan, you are expecting to fail. It is time to look where your site ranks in terms of keywords related to your business. From there, check how your rivals are ranking, what they are providing that you are not, and what you can do to outshine them. Also, look at Google Trends to know what prospects are searching for in your industry. This will help you to adjust your content marketing strategy accordingly. Put in the hard work required to bring conversions and traffic down the line. Thinking about where you are, where you want to be, and what can be done to achieve your goals is crucial now.

Don’t Just Hire an Expert

The roofing industry is full of people who claim to know-it-all when it comes to search engine optimization. They might show you a few website tweaks with a false promise of ranking your site on the first page of Google. Such people will go ahead to tell you why your roofing is not ranking high in SERP’s. What you require, though, is an SEO professional who will develop a stellar strategy to make your roofing website rank and continue generating exclusive leads online. This leads me to my last point…

Partner with a Full-Service Roofing SEO Agency

 Roofing SEO is not a walk in the park, as it takes time before you achieve any noticeable results. Thus, it is not something that you can do overnight. There is always room for improvement. For example, while adding fresh content on your page is an advantage, you need to make sure the pages are loading faster, your photos are informative and engaging, your content is easily found, and user-experience is above board. That’s certainly a lot to request from any roofer. For such reasons, it is advisable that you partner with a full-service roofing SEO agency to develop, implement, and monitor your roofing marketing strategy.

If you are searching for a reliable, experienced roofing SEO agency, then your search stops here. At BlackStorm roofing marketing, we have helped other roofers like you be found by prospects. If you want your roofing business to rank for relevant keywords and outshine rivals, feel free to schedule a free strategy session with us today!




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