Should You Hire a Roofing Marketing Agency or Keep Things In-house?

Should You Hire a Roofing Marketing Agency or Keep Things In-house?

Increase Conversions, Leads and Roofing Sales with an Experienced Roofing Marketing Partner Should I hire a roofing marketing agency or create a marketing department in-house? When it comes to marketing your roofing company, this can be a crucial decision to make. You may get different suggestions from your business partners but still, be confused about […]

7 Signs That Your Roofing Website Isn’t Built to Generate Leads.

7 Signs That Your Roofing Website Isn’t Built to Generate Leads.-2

If your phones are not ringing and contact form submissions via your website are few, your roofing website could be the problem. Many roofers fail to incorporate lead-generating tools in their websites, and that causes them to fail to get the leads they could quickly snatch. Fortunately, this post will explain the ten flaws to […]

Does Roofing SEO Still Work during the COVID-19 crisis?

Does Roofing SEO Still Work during the COVID-19 crisis?-2

Be found online, get leads and increase conversions with roofing SEO As a roofer, I know you must have been affected by COVID-19- in some way. You might be seeing fewer clients as people try to keep social distancing rules, change leisure and travel plans, and concentrate on staying healthy rather than looking for roofing […]

10 Tips to Improve Your Roofing Website & Lower Your Bounce Rate

10 Tips to Improve Your Roofing Website & Lower Your Bounce Rate-2

Do you want to create a roofing website design that works but doesn’t know where to start? Are you searching for ways of reducing the bounce rate of your current roofing website? Your roofing website bounce rate (details which you can extract from the Google Analytics reports) refers to the percentage of prospects who navigate […]

How To Get More Repeat Roofing Business?

How To Get More Repeat Roofing Business?-2

HERE IS HOW YOU CAN GET YOUR ROOFING CLIENTS TO USE YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN Did you know that repeat clients make up a huge percentage of almost any Roofing business’ revenue? Repeat customers are important if you want your company to grow. In fact, it’s better to capture them than to market towards new […]

Do You Want More Incoming Roofing Leads Consistently?

Do You Want More Incoming Roofing Leads Consistently?-2

HERE IS HOW TO GET MORE ROOFING LEADS CONSISTENTLY. Roofing business owners wear plenty of hats -daily, but one of the most important is knowing how to obtain more cash flow to operate your business. From paying your employees, to produce the best service imaginable, you need to ensure cash is coming in so that […]

Do You Want To Speed Up Your Roofing Business Growth?

Do You Want To Speed Up Your Roofing Business Growth?-2

HERE IS HOW TO ACCELERATE YOUR ROOFING BUSINESS TO NEW HEIGHTS. Are you one of those entrepreneurs who are marred by constricted budgets and scarce resources? Are you still struggling to create an effective marketing strategy that will bring in the moolah? If yes, we assure you that by the time you are done reading […]

10 Reasons Why Your Roofing Business Needs a Mobile-Friendly Website

10 Reasons Why Your Roofing Business Needs a Mobile-Friendly Website

Do you want your roofing website to convert more visitors/prospects into leads? If yes, then make sure that your site is optimized for mobile devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Let’s face it. We live in a digital society where many people use their Smartphones to surf the internet to make purchasing decisions. With the […]

All you need to know about Roofing Keyword Research


Without the right keywords, you cannot get customers for your roofing business online. It is essential to rank or advertise for the right keywords so that you can get targeted visitors and convert them. The keywords that you choose for your website can make or break your online marketing plan. The question is, how to […]

The Ultimate Guide to Ads Retargeting for Roofing Contractors

Roofing Website Visitor Retargeting Ads

As a roofer, you spend a lot of money and time trying to promote your roofing website. And you are probably impressed whenever new prospects land on your site. But the excitement is short-lived if the new prospects are not helping you to increase your revenue/ profit. Unfortunately, studies suggest that only three percent of […]

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