How To Get More Repeat Roofing Business?

How To Get More Repeat Roofing Business?-2


Did you know that repeat clients make up a huge percentage of almost any Roofing business’ revenue? Repeat customers are important if you want your company to grow. In fact, it’s better to capture them than to market towards new Roofing clients or audiences due to the following reasons:

1. They’ll Be More Likely To Buy From You Again

Repeat Roofing clients are those who have ‘revisited’ your website and booked an appointment or service more than once. Statistics prove that these types of customers will have a higher chance of going back and buying the same item or a different one as time passes.

Businesses value repeat customers because they can increase their profitability by marketing towards these ‘lifetime value’ demographics. Therefore, it makes total sense for companies to encourage their existing customers to buy from them again.

2. They’re Easier To Entice

Conversion rates vary per industry, but experts estimate that it’s anywhere between 1 to 3 percent. The good thing is, repeat customers are easier to convert than any other demographic.

In Marketing Metrics by Paul Farris, the author states that converting a repeat buyer gives companies a 60 to 70 chance of success. Therefore, it stands to reason that the more repeat Roofing clients you have, the higher your profits when you pay attention to them.

3. They Spend More

It’s not just the higher conversion rate repeat customers bring, but a higher average spends as well. Compared to a first-time shopper, they will put more items in their shopping cart and on a regular basis.

4. They Can Refer New Customers to Your Roofing Business

Repeat buyers tend to refer their friends and family to your Roofing brand if they’re satisfied with the product or service. The more purchases they make with your Roofing business, the higher the number of people an individual can refer to. This is because comfort level and confidence soars each time they check out.


It’s difficult to get a new visitor to purchase from your company on the first visit to your website. You’re probably familiar with the old adage that word of mouth advertising is your best friend, and that’s why it’s so important to build a list of repeat clients as a Roofing business. But, how do you get repeat Roofing clients from the messaging and marketing you’re putting out there? Let’s delve in.

Targeting Roofing clients with Email

Once you’ve got a buyer or a customer that likes your service, retargeting and email marketing are excellent ways to get them to come back. One great option you’re going to want to utilize in email marketing is a newsletter. Regularly emailing your Roofing clients is a great way to keep your name fresh on their minds. Free newsletters also give them insightful information. So, even if you’re not trying to sell to them, you’re retargeting your name in their mind, as a friendly Roofing business, that provides value to them.

Use Timely Reminder Emails, let’s say your company a maintenance service. A great way to utilize email marketing is to send out reminders to your customers. For example, if your maintenance service lasts for 6 months, you’ll want to send out notification or reminder emails for customers to reschedule at the 4-month mark. Then, again at the 5-month mark, send out a friendly reminder. While doing this, you might want to send a promo code for 15% off if they “act and schedule today.”

Reminding customers you’re still there, and have the solution to their needs, is one of the easiest ways to go about retargeting your Roofing business in their mind, and also highlighting how much you care about their needs, success, and providing them with the best service possible as a Roofing business.

Engage Roofing clients with Social

Another great retargeting methodology to use is social media engagement with your customers and those who’ve previously purchased from your company in the past. Connect with Roofing clients, share new product insights, send them coupons and promo codes that you only send to your most “valued customers.” Social media engagement puts a face to the Roofing business name, it humanizes your company in competitive industries. And, it shows your customers you care, and that you’re actually listening to what they’re saying. So, use it wisely, and use it regularly.

Show Up Everywhere They Are

Have you ever noticed when you are browsing the Internet that you start to see ads for websites that you recently visited? Have you ever wondered how they are “targeting you” and how you could do the same with your customers & prospects?

The advertising method is called “Retargeting” or “Remarketing”. It’s a little creepy but surprisingly effective.

What is retargeting?

Retargeting is a digital marketing process of reaching out to visitors who have landed your site and converting them to Roofing clients. Usually, 2% of your site visitors convert when they land to Roofing website for the first time. Roofing retargeting strives to reach to the other 98% of clients who have not clicked your call-to-action button (like downloaded your eBook, completed a registration form, called a phone number). Retargeting achieves its objectives by displaying your ads to your first-time visitors as they browse other sites online.


Repeat customers should be a primary goal for you as a Roofing business owner, regardless of your Roofing/industry. Utilizing the right email marketing and retargeting tactics will go a long way in building an email list of soon to be repeat customers. BlackStorm can assist your Roofing business with marketing, digital, and online campaigns, to help your Roofing business succeed, and work towards building that list of repeat customers.



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