Make More Money with Research-Backed Google Ads (AdWords) Strategies for Roofing Contractors

Improve your Click-Through-Rate, Reduce the Cost of Acquiring Leads, and Make More Money with Google Ads (AdWords). When it comes to search engines market share, Google is the market leader with more than a 75% stake, but nowadays, Google has become more than a search engine. Google Ads (AdWords) is an excellent tool that can […]
15 Graphic Design Terms that Every Roofing Contractor Must Know

Increase Your Website Visibility, traffic and Generate Leads with Roofing Graphic Design Graphic design is used in conventional marketing campaigns like fliers and billboards, and more importantly, it is applied in all internet marketing campaigns, from social media marketing to roofing website design. If you are a roofing contractor that’s working with an internet marketing agency for several […]
How to Choose a Roofing Company Name

Choosing a name for your new roofing company presents a great opportunity because it helps you to communicate your ideas, personality, expertise, values, and uniqueness to potential clients. A well-chosen roofing company name can help you to find more clients and set your business above competition, particularly online. Your roofing company name is the medium […]
How to Become a Roofer

Are you looking for a new job? Get a great career as a roofer. It will give you access to regular work with a steady stream of projects waiting for you. You need to be equipped with skills to work on different building types, including residential and commercial structures. Ever wonder what exactly a roofer […]
How To Become A Licensed Roofing Contractor

It’s a situation that we are all too familiar with, lousy weather, and wind wreaking havoc and pulling our shingles from our roofs. Not only does this have a negative aesthetic impact on the house, but this can often also lead to leaks and drafts, nobody wants that! As a solution, many homeowners would simply […]
How To Start Your Own Roofing Company

How to Start a Roofing Company Are you asking “how to start my own roofing company?” If so, I hope that this article is going to answer the questions you have about how to start your own roofing company. Most professionals look for ways to turn their profession into a business that supports them, their […]
The Importance of SEO for Roofers in 2020

Roofing SEO – the Secret to Online Success for Roofers Everything happens on the internet. Okay, maybe not everything, but when it comes to gaining customers, the internet is a vital tool. Roofing contractors need customers just like dentists or dog walkers need customers. The internet makes it possible for important advertising and marketing material […]