SuperEasy Ways Roofers Can Use to Get Found on Alexa Almost Instantly

SuperEasy Ways Roofers Can Use to Get Found on Alexa Almost Instantly-2

Give Your Roofing Business a Voice, Stay ahead of the Competition and Book More jobs with Alexa

Hey, Alexa, where can I find an experienced roofing contractor near me?

In the modern roofing landscape, most of your clients are finding your business online through Google. They turn to Google and type roof replacement (service type) contractor in (name of the city or town).

But now, with the rising popularity of Alexa, the rules of the game are slowly changing. Why? 

Because local voice search is the new norm, and thus roofing contractors must optimize their websites to get found on Alexa, Siri, and Google Home Assistants.

Here are a few suggestions why you must get found on Alexa when crafting your local roofing marketing strategy, as well as surefire tips you can implement today to make your business voice ready.

Why is Getting Found on Alexa Important for Roofing Contractors?

While some property owners still use Google’s search bar, the dramatic shift to using Alexa is becoming prominent. From smart home devices, like Google Home to Amazon Echo, property owners are no longer using the search bar to get their roofing questions answered. Instead, they use a voice-enabled device to ask them. But the words they speak are very different from the keywords you have been using on your internet marketing strategy for years.

For Instance, if they want to find a roofer, they will ask, Alexa, who is an experienced roofing contractor near me? As opposed to typing in the search bar, “roofing contractor in Murfreesboro.” They could also ask questions like “Who can I hire to replace my roof?” or “is there someone near me who can fix my roof?”

So the secret to success in today’s voice search world is to think about the type of questions property owners are asking and then incorporating them in your online marketing strategy accordingly.

3 Ways Roofers can use to get found on Alexa for free

So, major roofing contractors have been investing in voice search and reaping maximum benefits. But all they do is to fix or repair roofs, just like your business. So, if they are booking more jobs via Alexa, what is stopping you?

Much like having a mobile-friendly roofing website or an app, voice activation is also another platform worth considering, and being found in Alexa is as crucial as being found on a tablet, desktop, or mobile. Here are three tips that will help you get started with Alexa:

Alexa skills kit

Amazon has compiled an excellent guide to help your business get involved with voice. Just like building a roofing website or app, there are guidelines to consider and rules to follow. It incorporates their voice design guide, which takes you through all the stages of the design process.

You will need to think about questions that property owners will ask and the way your design will answer, and this ultimate guide to ensure that your interaction feels natural, answers accurately, and offers excellent service. Consider partnering with a reputable roofing SEO marketing agency for more support.

Schema Markup

As a roofer, you need to make sure that your business is showing up in voice search results. One excellent way of achieving this is by using structured data known as schema markup.

Schema assists search engines in understanding the content of your roofing website. When direct queries are asked in Alexa, such as “where can I get the best roofer near me?” 

Correct schema markup will assist your roofing business to show up in search results on Alexa.

Understanding Intent and Conversational Content

Your content is paramount for success in voice search. Question asked on Alexa and Siri are more structured than the typed ones. We talk as if to a partner or friend. As a roofing contractor, you need to make sure that your content answers questions that property owners might have naturally. Write informative, conversational content.

Try to know the intent behind each query. If the user is requesting to know about the differences between a roof replacement and roof installation, they might be looking for your services. If they want to know how much it costs to fix a roof, then they have more intent to book a roofing job.

Make sure that your content will incorporate long-tail keywords that will be relevant to the searcher’s intent.

Alexa is here to stay. Make sure that your roofing business gets found on Alexa and book more jobs today.

How can Roofing Contractors Optimize for Amazon Alexa?

Alexa has the highest percentage of the total smart speaker’s market share. However, it only occupies 25% of the overall voice search market share when you consider devices like (computers, games console, and phones amongst others)

Alexa gets your local roofing business details, reviews, and photos from two primary sources. Yelp offers most of your local business details, reviews, and photos for the Alexa search. So, if you optimize your Yelp listing, your roofing business will easily get found on Alexa.

Let’s make sure that your roofing business is optimized for voice search and get found on Alexa by prospects.

At BlackStorm we are Roofing Marketing Pros, our mission is to empower and educate roofing contractors like you to understand your options to make better business decisions that will increase your sales and grow your roofing business. We develop effective internet marketing solutions that convert leads and drive relevant traffic to your business. Stop losing qualified leads to your rivals. Schedule a free strategy session with our experts to make your roofing business get found on Alexa today!



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